Remember that sneak peak... from like a year ago??? (Here's a reminder) Well, right after that little peak, we moved and I misplaced the squares I had made, which really bummed me. Then I finally decided a couple of months ago to just start over (and don't you know they showed up!) But then I needed more yarn, so I went back to Walmart, where I had originally purchased the red and white, and go figure, they didn't carry it anymore! I checked JoAnns and Michaels... no luck. That means I had to order it online (which wouldn't be so bad if they didn't charge a million dollars for shipping). So I pouted about that for a while, until I finally decided I just really wanted to finish this adorable little blanket. I sucked it up, and ordered the yarn... and now it is FINALLY FINISHED!!!!! Hoo-ray!!!!!!! And a close up of the monkey and the edging detail Thank you to all of you who are an inspiration... I love looking at all the amazing creations you come up with! You truly inspire me to try to be more creative, and to be proud of the work I do! Thanks!!
Today is an extra special Father's Day, as technically it is Miah's first as a Daddy!!!! I feel so blessed to have Miah as my husband and as the father to my baby, and children to come!
Miah, you are wonderful!!! Thank you for teaching our son, and having fun with him, and even passing along a little of the DORKY... we both love you!!!!! And to my Dad, and Miah's Dad... we love you! Thank you for loving us, and teaching us, and loving Adin too!
For the first week of June, I was able to fly up to California with Adin for Ben's graduation. We were able to spend a lot of fun time with not only Mom and Dad and Ben, but also with Ninzel, Zach, and Joe, and with Paul, Kerri, and their kids (yes, we all stayed at Mom's house together... it was pretty crowded, but a lot of fun!!!) On Monday the 1st, Mom, Paul, Kerri, and their kids came to pick me up at the airport, and then we all went to old Sac-Town. First stop... the candy shop! (Where everyone grabbed WAY too much taffy, which "Grandma Suzy" was generous enough to pay for!) And then Paul bought a sucker for each of the kids. Adin enjoyed his sucker so much, but he was so exhausted from the trip, he fell asleep with it :)We were all hungry, but Sac-Town was an expensive place, so we drove back up towards Mom's and stopped off at Granzella's. It was a fun time for Adin and Xander to get to know each other a little better. Just for you Paul... I had to throw in the pic of you wearing my sunglasses at night... thinking you are so cool... yeahI didn't get any pics when I went up to Ninzels the first day, but she, thankfully took a bunch. And, being the awesome person that she is, already has had them up on her blog for a while. So please, take a chance to check out her posts (especially the ice cream one of Adin). Thank you Ninzel for a wonderful time, and fabulous pics! The next day, Paul and Kerri headed up to Redding to visit Ninzel as well, and so Ben and I tagged along to play at the little water park. Adin really decided that he LOVES Ashton, and smothered Ashton (literaly) with kisses. And you HAVE to watch this video.... it is soooooo cute! Poor Ashton... Adin was just trying to show how much he loves you! I hope he isn't too traumatized ;)
When Ninzel heard we were all the way up in Redding, she invited Ben and I over for dinner as well. Which by the way, she made the BEST fish tacos. Oh my goodness... they were amazing (yeah, I still want that recipe Ninz!) After dinner, Paul challenged the boys to Arm Wrestling (in an effort to humble Zach a little). Well, you can be the judge... Then we went outside for a photo-op. All those present 18, and under :)Ben with AdinNinzel with Paul and KerriI told Savannah and Maya to be silly... that was really difficult for them ;) I took quite a few more pics, but for the sake of the length of this post, I think I will just have to email them to you Kerri.
GRADUATION DAY So, finally to the purpose of my trip... Ben's Graduation! Oh yeah!! (Again, for the sake of length, I will only share a few pics) Ben with Mom and Dad Ben with his sweet girlfriend, Annie (I hope I spelled your name right) Oh, and don't worry Annie- no one could not like you... you put up with Ben, and take him away from annoying all of us. j/k Ben, we love you :)Maya, Savannah and Jacob, so excited to get to ride over to graduation with Auntie Ninz!Ben right before Sober-grad night... in the dorkiest T-shirt they could have come up with, and the awesome grad hat from his cake So you thought I was finally finished with this posting... But wait- there's more! On Saturday, Paul and Kerri began their long drive back up to Washington, but decided it would be a lot of fun to go to Burney Falls first. Mom called Ninzel, and she was able to join us a well. We had a lot of fun, and it was a great way to end family time together. On the drive up there, Adin fell asleep in the car, sucking on his silky blankie (which he always does when he falls asleep, I just have never captured it as proof before) Grandma Suzy got each of the kids a souvenir at the gift-shop. Adin and Ashton got matching onesies (sorry the pic isn't so clear)Mom looking up at Dad, right before we were supposed to take the picture, but I thought it was so cute! Adin and I in front of the falls Mom, with Ninzel, Paul, and IThank you Mom, Dad, Ninzel, Paul, Kerri, Ben, and all you kiddos, I really had a wonderful time!!!! I love you all, and hope it isn't too long until the next time we get to spend time together!
My name is Katrina Parry. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Miah, for three years now. We just had our first baby boy, Adin, in July. We are excited to begin this new adventure together. I am the fifth of seven children in my family, and Miah is the last of nine in his. Family is probably the most important thing in our lives, which is why I have begun this blog- to keep in touch.